Warm Blonde – The Honey Spectrum
It may be time to ditch the purple shampoo and say goodbye to that ongoing battle you’ve been having with your natural warmth for so long. It’s a new season and there is a new trend taking over: warm blonde. Although the word “honey” may send shivers down your spine—especially for all the ash loving, lavender hued, anti-warm blondes out there—but it’s time to rethink and re-educate orselves in blonde.

The Difference Between Yellow and Gold
First thing first, there’s a huge difference between yellow and blonde. “Yellow” is unintentional and is usually a result of a colour not lifting, or lightning, to the level you desire. “Golden” blonde is even, expensive looking and glossy. Warm colours reflect more light, so ashy blondes can often have a dull and lifeless finish with very little gloss. Warm blondes promote shine, reflect light and actually appear lighter than cool blondes.
Unfortunately for lilac-loving blondes, hair is naturally warm. With hair always having a warm undertone it’s going to support a warm blonde a lot easier. This results in your desired shade having a lot less fade, fewer trips to the salon and in return, less time and money maintaining the shade. The fight with your hair can finally end. Hurray!

The Honey Spectrum
Don’t be alarmed. If you’re not use to going for a honey blonde, that’s ok. It’s doesn’t have to be as extreme as you’d think. Honestly, most healthy blonde colours people admire are a warmer shade (due to the light reflection). Warmth can be anything from a soft baby-blonde all the way to a rich copper-blonde, and everything in between. A subtle honey shade is the least dramatic, and simply results in a bright and even blonde.

Honey to Caramel
Deepening your root will also give your blonde a custom finish and a more natural result. A darker root will also result the illusion of you ends being even blonder. Taking this plunge gives you more options when deciding on your dream shade. To compliment this look, caramel and copper blondes work perfectly. Caramel blonde exudes luxury, richness and romance.
Introducing Blonde
Experimenting with a warmer shade of blonde is easiest if you have an even brown and are looking to introduce some new levels of tone. It’s can be done subtly and allows some room to adapt to the new lightness as you build the colour with each application. A soft honey blonde works best on hair that’s already on a fairly bright level to begin with. A simple toner can achieve this, usually.
Blondes really can have more fun—if they step outside the box from time to time. There’s a whole spectrum of blonde out there to discover and experiment with; don’t be a slave to the purple shampoo.
Words by Luke Nolan
Graphics by Frances Scott