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Graham Cruz is a dynamic, innovative and avant-garde new vision in the fashion industry. Born in Ireland and now based in London, this past year has seen Graham break into the fashion industry like a supernova. Cruz has designed for celebrities including Paris Hilton, J-Lo, and Kourtney Kardashian recently wore one of his designs on the cover of Vogue Arabia. His handmade creations are one of a kind, and have been capturing the hearts of celebrities and fashion lovers alike.
Cruz has a distinct and unique eye for creating looks which are bold, chic and mark him as an exciting new visionary in the industry. We caught up with Graham about all things creativity in lockdown, what keeps him inspired and the future of post-pandemic fashion.
Q. Growing up, what inspired you to work in the fashion industry?
A: Both my parents were really stylish ! My mum was clothes obsessed and I think that totally rubbed off on me! She was a fearless dresser and dressed me and my siblings up for every occasion.
Q. How are you finding working from home?
A. I’m extremely lucky to have a great workspace I’ve been working from. As I use unconventional materials in my collections , it’s not something I can do from home ….. too many power tools involved haha.
Q. How do you stay inspired during covid?
A. This has actually been an amazing time for me! Normally I’m juggling the collection and my styling work, but now I’ve had time to focus on the collection and really push myself with experimenting with materials and processes.
Q. What are the major ways you’ve had to adapt in the last few months?
A. Having the luxury of time has allowed me to ‘lockdown level up’. I’ve added to my skill set , thought myself some new tricks which has really helped in pushing both the aesthetic and production value of the new collection.
Q. Is there anything in particular that helps you to stay inspired or creative?
A. Just life in general! You only get one… so live it to the max. I’m an extremely positive person , always inspired , always creating.
Q. What advice would you give to young creatives starting out today?
A. If the last year has thought us anything it’s that things can change at any moment !! so I would encourage any young creatives to go for it! push hard into whatever field it is you are attracted to, Attach it with your full force, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn .
Q. How would you describe your creative process?
A. For me the process is very organic and very hands on. I start with the spark of an idea and immediately get my tools out ! I try not to over work an idea before I start making and I’m always willing to go off on a tangent if that’s what the workroom throws at me.
Q. What have you learned about your creativity and your vision through the pandemic?
A. I’ve learnt I’m pretty self sufficient and resourceful !
Q. You’re based in London, how does living and working in a big city impact your work?
A. London is one of those cities where anything is possible and everything is acceptable. Living and working in that environment has really fuelled me to go for gold and push myself. London can be tough, don’t get me wrong, but I never allow stress into my life, I choose to take the pressure and use it to my advantage, I use it to focus and push harder.
Q. You’ve designed for A-listers including Paris Hilton, J-Lo and the Kardashians. What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?
A. There have so many amazing highlights through this first season , so many it’s hard to believe it’s all happened in 1 season! To have a piece on the cover of Vogue – Kourtney Kardashian wore my Cannes bodice on the cover of Vogue Arabia – was pretty mind blowing! But for me ,the biggest highlight has to be seeing Moira Rose wear a piece for the Schitts Creek final season trailer! I’m a huge fan of the show -and everything Catherine O’Hara has ever done – so seeing Moira in my piece on a billboard in time square was MAJOR!
Q. If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you were just starting out, what would it be?
A. Well as a designer I am just starting out haha! I’ve only just wrapped season 2 , so maybe come back to me on that one 😉
Q. Who are your biggest inspirations?
A. I’m inspired by the incredible, powerful women in my life. I’m so lucky to have such amazing , strong , fearless women around me.
Q. Who would be your dream celebrity to design for?
A. I’m gonna keep that one to myself for now ….. don’t wanna jinx it 😉
Q.What changes are you expecting to see in the fashion industry post-pandemic?
A. I’m hoping we’re gonna see a return to ‘fashion seasons’ and an end to the constant bombardment of fast fashion. I can see consumers shopping less, but shopping smarter, investing in pieces to be cherished for a lifetime, Supporting artisans and emerging brands.
Words By Marni Rose McFall