Photo Credit: Callum Hutchinson
Merging vulnerability with catchy, pop music, Gia Woods is the star we want to follow! Her debut single ‘Only a Girl’, released in 2015, marked the beginning of her road to stardom, with over 10 million views on YouTube. Her honesty and openness are reflected in her introspective lyrics – her debut EP Cut Season was a contemplative journey of toxic people, internal conflicts, and real-life experience. Gia’s journey of self-actualisation merges with the madness of LA to create poetic, melodic, and hypnotising tracks.
‘I hope to evoke that euphoric feeling of crying on the dance floor and screaming in your car while driving’
Her forthcoming EP Heartbreak County focuses on Gia’s relationship to LA – from growing up in a traditional Persian household to entering the infamous LA party scene. ‘Enough of You’ introduced us to Gia’s vision for Heartbreak County. Lyrically, the track follows an addictive relationship with an ex synonymous with chasing the highs of LA life. Released today, ‘Oh My God’ is the second single from Heartbreak County, the song has a hypnotising melody which changes throughout the track, compared to the more chill pace of ‘Enough of You’. The track opens with Gia speaking in a slow drawl: ‘Oh My God’, before the beat quickens with punchy lyrics of religious imagery putting you in a trance-like state. Pop queen, Gia Wood’s new track ‘Oh My God’ (out today!) and EP Enough Of You (coming out October 8th) is definitely something you do not want to miss! Voir spoke to Gia to discuss her upcoming music, style inspiration, and her Los Angeles’ life.

Photo Credit: Callum Hutchinson
Your new single, ‘Oh My God’, is out! Can you explain what the song is about and what inspired it?
‘Oh My God’ is about the overwhelming feeling of a toxic relationship, pictured through a religious imagery lens. It’s when you’re so committed and hopelessly in love with someone that no matter what they do you can’t seem to let go. It’s like your religion. They’re your world. There’s so many reasons to stay, yet so many reasons to leave. I think it’s incredibly hard to recognize those toxic patterns until you fully get out of that situation— and this song kind of explores the chaotic feeling of when you’re still really deep in it.
How did you first discover your passion for creating music?
Music has always been a part of me since I was a literal fetus haha. My mama always jokes that when I was in her belly I would dance and kick anywhere in public if music was playing. She always told me she knew I’d be a musician. And my cousin, who’s also a musician, owned a bunch of guitars and instruments when I was growing up. I remember going into their room and immediately being drawn to the guitar. Since my dad knew how much I wanted to learn to play, he bought me my first guitar when I was around seven. I was constantly playing and writing in my room, basically everyday. Whether it was writing an original or learning a new cover, Green Day songs were my go-to, that was what I was doing all day everyday. It’s always been a part of me. And my number one passion!
What can we expect from your upcoming EP, ‘Heartbreak County’?
I hope to evoke that euphoric feeling of crying on the dance floor and screaming in your car while driving. The new project is about life in LA and all it’s fallen angels. This city looks like it’s all glitz and glam, but it’s dark sometimes too. And I’ve seen the dark effects that this city can have on people firsthand. Heartbreak County is all about how LA is filled with that heartbreak. I was born and raised in Los Angeles so I’ve seen a lot of people come here following their dreams and wanting to make it— but a lot of the time that unfortunately it isn’t the case. Being from here you see this city for what it really is.
Your first single, ‘Only A Girl’, has been an inspiration for many queer people. What made you release such an honest and emotional song as your first single?
It felt like the most authentic and genuine thing for me to do, not only as an artist, but just for myself. I wanted vulnerability and openness to set the tone as I introduced my music for the first time. It was my coming out to the world and my family, but also to myself. Even though I was aware of my sexuality, it felt even more real to put it out there and say it as loud and clear as possible. Sometimes you can be in denial because of the fear of what people will think of you. So putting that song out not only helped me blossom into the person I am today, but it gave me so much confidence to fully be myself.
What influences you and keeps you inspired to create music?
Honestly, everything and anything. All the music that I create comes from my experiences and what I’m going through. Music is my therapy. I always learn so much about myself and my life around me anytime I put it into a song. It’s like a journal entry. Sometimes I don’t even realize what’s happening until I write a song and look back to realize what I was trying to say to myself while writing it. It’s my growth to my higher self. I’m constantly inspired to create music for myself and hope that people can listen to it and take whatever they want from it.
How would you describe your current music style, and how does it compare to your earlier singles?
My music right now is very dance inspired which has always been something I wanted to explore. I grew up listening to a lot of dance music like Madonna, Kylie Minogue, and Daft Punk. I always knew I wanted to evolve into that sound but it wasn’t until this past year of exploring and trying new things that I really found the direction I want to head towards. Comparing my music now to my earlier singles, I feel like it’s still very me. My tone is so specific that no matter what sounds are supporting it, it’s no different.
What was it like being featured in Calvin Klein’s Pride collection campaign? Have you noticed more LGBTQ+ representation in mainstream media today, compared to when you were growing up?
It was such a surreal moment! A literal dream come true, I still get goosebumps thinking about it! What’s crazy is I feel like I manifested that into happening. I filmed a music video for one of my songs called “New Girlfriend” and the video was inspired by classic black and white Calvin Klein ads. I always loved their brand and clothing, and wanted to model for them one day. I still can’t believe it really happened! I do feel like I’ve noticed more LGBTQ representation in mainstream media, especially compared to when I was growing up. I actually don’t remember seeing anything at all when I was younger, especially because I grew up in a very old fashioned Persian household. So even if some representation was out there in the world, I wasn’t aware of it. But now because of social media, I do feel like there’s so much more for kids to see and there is more representation than ever. One thing I hope to see more of, though, is mega corporations not only supporting the community during a time like “pride month” but actually supporting our community and standing with us as a whole.
Los Angeles has been a massive inspiration for you, do you think there is a particular reason you keep returning to the city?
You know, honestly, I ask myself this everyday… I always complain about living here… but I still can’t seem to leave! I think it definitely has to do with familiarity. I have my family here, my best friends from high school here, and I like knowing where I am and where to go. I know the ins and outs of the city so well because it’s my home. Even though there’s a lot of moments where I get sick of it, I do realize that there’s so much beauty in the city as well. I’ll never get sick of driving on the PCH to Malibu whenever I want, and I’ll never get sick of going on beautiful hikes, and I definitely will never get sick of having my people here.

Photo Credit: Callum Hutchinson
In terms of aesthetics and fashion, what influences your personal style?
Since my music took a shift and has become really dance focused, I wanted my fashion to be an extension of that. I’m so inspired by dance costumes, like bodysuits, headbands etc. I especially love the brand Fiorucci. They’re my muse. You’ll most likely see me in one of their bodysuits on stage or on Instagram haha.
Your music is genuine and honest, do you have any advice for your LGBTQ+ followers who are struggling to find that form of inner peace?
Everyone is living at their own pace and on their own path, but I think my biggest advice for anyone who is struggling is to know that you’re far from alone. There’s so many people and resources to reach out to. There’s absolutely nothing “wrong” with you, you’re absolutely perfect the way you are, no matter how you choose to define yourself and your sexuality.
Recently you performed at the Thrive With Pride concert and at Heaven. What is it like to be able to return to performing?
Oh my god, it was the most empowering feeling being able to perform in front of an audience again. Being on stage is what I was born to do and it gave me a sense of purpose again. For a second there, I definitely was getting really sad and depressed about not knowing when I’d be able to perform again. But being on that stage reminded me why I am doing what I’m doing and how much I love music. I can’t wait to continue playing more shows in the next couple months hehe!
Finally, what will we see in the future from Gia Woods – any collaborations, music videos or touring on your mind?
I’m so excited to be releasing ‘Heartbreak County‘ very soon and play many more live shows! I can’t wait to announce upcoming performances! So stay tuned hennis 😉
Listen to ‘Oh My God’ by Gia Woods now:
Words by Caitlin Sahin