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3 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team Pharrell Williams Has Released a Gender-Neutral Skincare Line, and We’re Here For It

3 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

Pharrell Williams Has Released a Gender-Neutral Skincare Line, and We’re Here For It

Pharrell Williams and Humanrace Skincare image via Getty Images
Pharrell Williams and Humanrace Skincare image via Getty Images

Pharrell Williams is the most recent star to submerse himself deep in the ever-growing ocean of celebrity cosmetic lines. In such a competitive industry—with such a already-saturated environment—it takes a lot to make a line of beauty products seem necessary. Well, Pharrell has done just that. Here’s what we know.

Pharrell has stated that he’s been into skincare since his mid-twenties, and would use skincare as an excuse to talk to female models. During this time, the music mogul became increasingly interested in looking after his own skin and ended up seeing a dermatologist, Elena Jones, who looked after his skin. Elena has stated that Pharrell wanted explanations for all of the products she would recommend.

This curiosity has surely paid off for the forty-seven-year-old musician as he will release his debut skincare line, Humanrace, on November 25th. The brand takes a minimal and modern approach to skincare, with a philosophy of: prepare, repair, protect—by using three simple products to fulfill each action.

The bespoke skincare line has three products, encapsulated within a clean and earthy packaging. The products include Rice Powder Cleanser ($32), Lotus Enzyme Exfoliator ($46) and a Humidifying Cream ($48). The three products each perform a unique and individual treatment to the skin, embracing the simplicity of a minimal skincare routine.

The rice powder is going to cleanse your skin, prepping it for the delivery of the two following ingredients. The formula arrives as a powder and becomes a milk when in contact with water. The AHA-rich formula removes dead skin and gives you a fresh, bright completion. The Lotus Enzyme Exfoliant—packed with glycolic acid—helps cell regeneration of the skin. The Humidifying Cream is inspired by the humid climate Pharrell grew up in and hydrates the skin while locking moisture.

Pharrell Williams image via WireImage
Pharrell Williams image via WireImage

The aesthetic of Willams skincare is inspired by his adoration for Japanese culture and the beauty and craftsmanship of their pottery. In a world full of celebrity cosmetic lines, it’s refreshing to see someone have so much knowledge and input into the creation of their product. Pharrell’s skincare line will be available in a bundle for $100 on humanrace.com

Words by Luke Nolan, Graphics by Victoria Zhao


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