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5 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team October Horoscopes by Joanna Hope

5 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

October Horoscopes by Joanna Hope


September 23 – October 22

Libra, Halsey
Libra, Halsey

A special time is in store as you grasp opportunities for happiness with both hands. Your destiny is calling you and you triumph, as you travel along your career path, gathering supporters of your work you receive rewards for past accomplishment. As they say, “it’s written in the stars” and your true love knows how to translate what’s written, so don’t be afraid to lead from the heart as developments prove to be very stimulating in your love life. Happy birthday Libra, all your wishes come true.

Colour: Turquoise

Crystal: Lapis lazuli


October 23 – November 21

Scorpio, Kendall Jenner
Scorpio, Kendall Jenner

The universe is presenting you with an opportunity, you are quite a force in the world and your splendid skills are seen and rewarded as you make important progress in your work. Your superior knowledge inspires others and you succeed through solid determination to realise your goals, you are unstoppable. Tenderness touches the heart of an admirer and your zany sense of humor is much appreciated. The best is yet to come, as your dreams start to come true with the one you love.

Colour: Blue

Crystal: Soldalite


November 22 – December 21

Sagittarius, Zara Larsson
Sagittarius, Zara Larsson

Your high type of mind is not easily satisfied and produces exceptional results in your work. Top of the leader board, you welcome a hard-earned bonus. Your inventiveness shows off your fine qualities and your love of glitz and glam. It’s time to pull out all the stops and let the Sagittarius archer in you draw your bow and aim for the stars. Love can whisk you off on a whirlwind romance and bring much joy into your life as you share your happiness with a soulmate.

Colour: Yellow

Crystal: Citrine


December 22 – January 19

Capricorn, Kate Moss
Capricorn, Kate Moss

As you take the world by storm Capricorn, your career benefits from more exposure and financial benefits. Your virtues are admired and your sense of fairness in everything you do creates bonds of trust with others. Life can have you skipping down the road now as love takes over and you find yourself in a world full of dreams you dared to dream. Be happy Capricorn, as you can rest assured, you are loved.

Colour: White

Crystal: Moonstone


January 20 – February 18

Aquarius, Jasmine Tookes
Aquarius, Jasmine Tookes

Your fresh ideas are welcomed and your confidence soars Aquarius. Your vision takes everyone by surprise and they support you to succeed in your enterprises. A time to go for what you want in love; your heart is leading the way and will take you straight to a love that is mutual and life affirming. Your emotional heart will be rewarded for your loyalty and devotion to tenderness, the real meaning of love.

Colour: Green

Crystal: Aquamarine


February 19 – March 20

Pisces, Rihanna
Pisces, Rihanna

You will be making the most out of this amazing time and enjoying your success. You have come a long way Pisces and your rewards are plentiful. Seeking new innovative ways of working, you will celebrate your success through diligent application of your original ideas. Your imagination is valuable and should be applied wherever possible in your life. As an intuitive soul, you can benefit in your love life by acting on your intuition. An ideal partner is around, one you can love and trust. Compatibility means a lot at the moment, so choose wisely and you reap the rewards.

Colour: Purple

Crystal: Amethyst


March 21 – April 19

Aries, Kourtney Kardashian
Aries, Kourtney Kardashian

You will benefit from unexpected help, as your hard work is being noticed and you are ready for expansion. Aries, your zest for life can propel you into a gulf stream of happiness which you can share with others. Your generosity creates good karma for you, as you see how others appreciate you and verify your very good heart. Love and romance has huge potential to get to the next level so don’t hold back and trust that love will always find a way.

Colour: Red

Crystal: Ruby


April 20 – May 20

Taurus, Gigi Hadid
Taurus, Gigi Hadid

Your dreams come true Taurus, Venus is blessing you with her bounty and beauty. The spotlight falls on you and your professional approach seals the deal. Your insight is immeasurable as you solve problems and lead everyone to success. If you are looking for love, Venus is here to deliver it. You can reach a much deeper level in love now and it’s time to reveal how you really feel. Put your trust in Venus and cupid to do the work!

Colour: Blue

Crystal: Blue sapphire


May 21 – June 20

Gemini, Naomi Campbell
Gemini, Naomi Campbell

Talented and beautiful Gemini, you are in for a treat. As autumn beckons you, a sense of optimism is in the air and you feel like nothing can stop you now. Your life path becomes crystal clear as see the future is bright. Love can sweep you off your feet and those angel wings of yours will take flight. Mercury your ruler, the messenger of the gods, gives you the power to charm the birds off the trees! You can really benefit from partnerships, not just in love but in business; so, use this time and create some great connections that will be long lasting.

Colour: Green

Crystal: Green agate


June 21 – July 22

Cancer, Margot Robbie
Cancer, Margot Robbie

The creative leader in you will be seen like a magical goddess, you are tapping into your true abundance. Others will follow you as you take them on a magical mystery tour of things only dreams are made of. Your charisma is undeniable, as you win over the masses, you set a whole new trend for the future and the financial rewards are quite significant. Love will blossom as you are in a good position to win over your sweetheart with your irresistible self.

Colour: White

Crystal: White selenite


July 23 – August 22

Leo, JLo
Leo, JLo

Leo has a reputation for a courageous heart, and it allows you to keep following your dreams. Your undeniable faith in others keeps being rewarded as you create a recipe for success that can sustain you now, and in the future. Your love life will be meaningful and adventurous, as you can take advantage of this lucky time in love. Knocking on the door of love will reveal a true love match. Happiness will find you.

Colour: Gold

Crystal: Tigers eye


August 23 – September 22

Virgo, Beyoncê
Virgo, Beyoncé

Harmony and balance are your keywords, as your spiritual qualities set an example for others in the workplace. A unique blend of compassionate understanding and exceptional work ethic allows for a lot of progress – you get the best results out of every situation. It’s a great time to focus on your beautiful self, as in your personal life, it helps you to have more confidence and stand out for your dream lover. You are amazing Virgo.

Colour: Yellow

Crystal: Yellow citrine

Graphics by Aamir Potrick

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