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4 hours ago, by Voir Editorial Team Voir loves: Horoscopes October 2024 with matching nail art in all styles

4 hours ago, by Voir Editorial Team

Voir loves: Horoscopes October 2024 with matching nail art in all styles

♈️ Aries (March 21 – April 19)
This month focuses on personal growth and new beginnings, October is a month of dynamic energy for you Aries, the sun is illuminating your sector of relationships and partnerships, you may find yourself more focused on collaboration and teamwork. It’s an excellent time to strengthen existing bonds and build new connections, whether personal or professional, seek opportunities to collaborate and communicate openly, especially in love, it is always better to be open about what you really want!. Your leadership skills shine brightly, around the middle of October, stay alert for new job prospects or chances to take on more responsibility at work. Reflect on your goals and aspirations, engaging in activities that promote self-improvement. Regular exercise and mindfulness practice can help you keep your energy levels up and are particularly beneficial now. Expect an increase in social activities and invitations, you could meet influential people who align with your ambitions. Overall, October offers a chance for growth and connection, so embrace the opportunities that come your way. Wear Orange for luck and an orange calcite crystal for confidence and motivation.
Lucky Colour   Orange Lucky Crystal  Orange Calcite

Credits: candyclawss.

Credits: alyshanailartist, kiaraskynails.

Credits: tenbyten.nails

Credits: alinahoyonailartist, uglyducklingnails.

Credits: studio358nails

Credits: yunajess.ica

Credits: bossnailsbycy

Credits: natmaloneynailartist

♉️ Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 
Relationships may take centre stage in October. It’s a good time to strengthen bonds with loved ones or reconsider what you want in your connection, this brings a mix of introspection and opportunities for you. This month highlights the importance of communication in your relationships. Be open and honest with loved ones to address any misunderstandings and strengthen your bonds. Prioritise your well-being. Engage in activities that nurture both your body and mind, such as yoga or meditation; this will help you recharge amidst the busyness of the month. You may find yourself drawn to artistic pursuits whether it’s through writing, or another form of creativity, indulge in your passions to express yourself fully. It is a great time to assess your financial situation, as you come across opportunities that will improve your financial stability. You might feel a surge of ambition in your professional life, embrace any chances to showcase your skills or take on new responsibilities at work, as your efforts will be recognised. Overall, October encourages you to focus on both your material and emotional well-being. Embrace the changes coming your way, and trust your instincts. Wear blue for luck and a blue apatite crystal for tranquility, communication, and understanding.
Lucky Colour   Blue
Lucky Crystal  Blue Apatite

Credits: akikonails_nyc, mynameismikinail.

Credits: narissas.nails

Credits: blackgirlsdonails, nailsssbyys

Credits: professionailrhodes

♊️ Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Communication is key this month Gemini, you might find yourself juggling multiple projects, stay organised to avoid feeling overwhelmed. October is an exciting month for you, expect a whirlwind of ideas and social interactions that can lead to new opportunities. With the sun highlighting your communication sector, this is a powerful time for communication. Reach out to others, share your ideas, and engage in stimulating conversations. Your ability to connect with people could lead to new collaborations. You may feel a strong urge to learn something new, this intellectual exploration can open doors to personal and professional development. Relationships flourish, personal relationships deepen this month. Whether it’s spending quality time with friends or nurturing romance, focus on strengthening the connections that matter to you, love needs attention so don’t ignore the possibilities arising for personal happiness. As creativity may be heightened, take advantage of it, channel your ideas into artistic projects or find innovative solutions at work. Don’t hesitate to think outside the box!. Towards the end of the month, take some time for self-reflection, consider what you’ve learned and how you want to apply these insights moving forward, this can set the stage for future growth. Overall, October encourages you to express yourself, embrace new experiences, and cultivate meaningful connections. It’s a great month to communicate your dreams and aspirations. Wear white for luck and a milk quartz crystal for healing, and amplifying your intentions.
Lucky Colour   White Lucky Crystal  Milk Quartz

Credits: fngrdbyfaith

Credits: tomonyan55, artboundinitiative

Credits: nena_studio64

Credits: fairybearnails

♋️ Cancer (June 21 – July 22) 
October brings a creative burst, channel your emotions into artistic pursuits or self-care practices that rejuvenate you. This month brings a wave of emotional insights and opportunities for personal growth for you. Emotional clarity opens the door to deep introspection, you may find yourself reflecting on your feelings and relationships. Embrace this time to understand your emotional needs better, which can lead to healthier connections with others. Be open to new professional ventures that align with your goals, networking can play a significant role, so engage with colleagues and share your ideas as this can lead to exciting projects or collaborations. Home life may take centre stage in October, whether it’s a renovation project, moving house, spending quality time with family, or resolving any lingering issues, focus on creating a harmonious environment that nurtures you. Your imaginative side is likely to flourish, channeling your inner child is important, artistic pursuits or hobbies that allow you to express your feelings can be particularly fulfilling now. Take the opportunity to prioritise your health this month, adopting a new routine that supports your physical and mental well-being, mindfulness practices or regular exercise will leave you feeling great. Overall, October is a month for self-discovery, nurturing relationships, and pursuing creative passions. Embrace the emotional insights that come your way, as they will guide you toward personal growth and the happy future you deserve. Wear red for luck and a red garnet crystal for passion, vitality and courage.
Lucky Colour   Red Lucky Crystal  Red Garnet

Credits: the_gelbottle_inc, artdecom

Credits: Thenailprogramme, angiesclawss

Credits: Thenailprogramme, grabbersbygege

Credits: malisculpts

 ♌️ Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Focus on your home and family life Leo, this is an excellent time for nurturing relationships at home and creating a peaceful environment and personal life. Romantic prospects improve and relationships take a delightful turn. If you’re single, you may meet someone captivating through social gatherings or creative events. For those in a relationship, prioritise quality time with your partner to deepen your connection. Your artistic side is highly activated this month! Engage in creative projects or hobbies that inspire you, this an excellent time to explore new avenues of self-expression through art, writing, or performance. Financial insight brings a focus on your finances, reviewing your budget and considering new investment opportunities and being strategic now can lead to long-term benefits, so don’t shy away from seeking advice if needed. Your social calendar is likely to fill up, so embrace the chance to connect with friends and like-minded individuals. Networking leads to exciting collaborations or opportunities, so keep an open mind as overall October is a vibrant month for you, filled with opportunities for growth and creativity. It is all about self-expression and stepping into the spotlight. The Sun, your ruling planet, enhances your natural charisma and heart warming qualities, opportunities to showcase your talents will arise in your career, embrace your inner star and let your light shine. Wear yellow for luck and a yellow quartz crystal for confidence, personal empowerment, and self esteem.
Lucky Colour   Yellow Lucky Crystal  Yellow Quartz

Credits: tokyonailsandspa, jason.nailart

Credits: pinkiesnails_la

Credits: nailsdonebykevin

Credits: nailsbylulyy

♍️ Virgo (August 23 – September 22) 
Your analytical skills will shine this month, use your problem-solving abilities to tackle challenges at work or in your daily life. Virgo, you will find yourself focusing on organisation, health, and wellbeing, October encourages you to prioritise your health and wellness. Consider implementing new routines, such as exercise or mindfulness practices, that promote both physical and mental well-being, small changes can lead to significant improvements. Career advancement comes through hard work, it is likely to pay off this month, expect recognition for your efforts at work, this could manifest as a promotion or new responsibilities, certainly voice your ideas, your insights will be valued and appreciated. Relationships deepen, whether it’s with family, friends, or a partner, your connections are set to grow this month, open conversations will strengthen bonds, so take the time to listen and share your thoughts and feelings. October is a great time to declutter your space and streamline your tasks, your natural organisational abilities will shine, making it easier to tackle projects and responsibilities that may have felt overwhelming. You may feel drawn to expand your knowledge this month, whether through formal education, self-study, or engaging discussions, embrace this curiosity, as it can lead to unexpected insights and growth. Overall, October presents a wonderful opportunity for introspection and improvement in various aspects of your life, stay grounded, trust your instincts, and embrace the changes that come your way. Wear black for luck and a black tourmaline crystal for protection, emotional stability and grounding.
Lucky Colour   Black Lucky Crystal  Black Tourmaline

Credits: 1.800.nailme

Credits: ninisfabnails

Credits: nailart_k

Credits: tendrehands

♎️ Libra (September 23 – October 22) 
It’s your season, Libra! Embrace the spotlight and focus on self-expression. Social events can lead to exciting opportunities, this month is all about balance, relationships, and finding your voice. Harmonious connections and relationships take centre stage and you will find yourself drawn to social interactions and collaborations. This is a great time to reconnect with friends and loved ones, as your diplomatic nature will help ease any tensions that may have arisen. With a surge of creativity around you, it’s your chance to showcase your unique perspective!. Your charm and social skills can open new doors in your career this month. Opportunities arise, so be open to meeting new people who can assist you in your professional journey. Keep an eye out for important connections that allow you to shine. As a Libra, balance is essential to your well-being, this month may challenge you to reassess your priorities and commitments. Make sure to carve out time for self-care and reflection, ensuring you’re not overextending yourself. You might gain clarity on financial matters this month, review your long-term financial goals. Consider reaching out for advice or explore new investment opportunities that align with your aspirations. Overall, October offers Libras a chance to enhance relationships, express creativity, and find a sense of equilibrium in both personal and professional aspects of life. Embrace the changes and keep striving for that sweet balance you value so much. Wear green for luck and a green quartz for creativity, new growth and fresh beginnings.
Lucky Colour   Green Lucky Crystal  Green Quartz

Credits: nailsbybano

Credits: sojinails

Credits: disseynails

Credits: nailsbyxojess

♏️ Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) 
This month is set to be transformative for you Scorpio, take some time for introspection and reflection, healing old wounds can pave the way for personal transformation. October brings a powerful energy for self-discovery and transformation, you may find yourself diving deep into your emotions and uncovering truths about yourself you hadn’t acknowledged before. Embrace this introspective period, relationships and Intimacy are important, deep connections take centre stage this month. In romantic relationships expect to experience heightened intimacy, open and honest communication will strengthen your bonds and help resolve any lingering issues. Your hard work is likely to pay off around mid-month, be on the lookout for new opportunities or projects that align with your passions. Your determination and focus will shine, making it easier to stand out in professional settings. This month encourages you to reassess your financial management. Evaluate your spending habits and make plans for better budgeting. Consider investments that offer long-term benefits, but take your time to research thoroughly before committing to anything. With all the emotional intensity, it’s crucial to prioritise your physical and mental health. Incorporate practices like yoga, meditation, or journaling into your routine to help navigate any stress. Listening to your body will be key this month, October offers Scorpios an opportunity to grow and deepen connections with themselves and others embrace the changes, and don’t hesitate to lean on your support system when needed. Wear gold for luck and a yellow sapphire for wealth and abundance, prosperity and success.
Lucky Colour   Gold Lucky Crystal  Yellow Sapphire

Credits: malisculpts, krystal.nailedit

Credits: fernandasrm83

Credits: emma_nails33

Credits: nailart_k

♐️ Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 
This month is all about expansion, exploration, and embracing new opportunities. Adventure awaits, your adventurous spirit will be ignited this month, whether it’s a spontaneous trip or exploring new interests, you’ll feel a strong urge to break free from routine, embrace opportunities for travel or learning that come your way. October brings potential for career advancements, your innovative ideas and optimism will be recognised, making it a great time to present your projects or take on new responsibilities. You’ll likely find yourself surrounded by friends and even new acquaintances, engaging in social activities can lead to meaningful connections and even collaborations in your personal or professional life. For love, take time to reflect on your goals and aspirations, setting intentions now can help you clarify your path moving forward, engaging in more philosophical discussions or spiritual practices may bring insight. Incorporating outdoor activities, exercise, or mindfulness practices will enhance your well-being, consider talking with friends to process any emotions. This is a dynamic month for Sagittarius, inviting you to explore new horizons and deepen your connections. Embrace the changes and enjoy the journey you are on, as socialising and networking lead to wonderful opportunities for growth. Wear pink for love and compassion, attracting love.
Lucky Colour   Pink Lucky Crystal  Pink Quartz

Credits: lameufquifaitlesongles

Credits: gentlehour.nails

Credits: gentlehour.nails

Credits: diananailedit

♑️ Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Career matters are highlighted this month. Stay focused and don’t be afraid to showcase your hard work and accomplishments. October is set to be a month of focus and determination for you, Capricorn. This month highlights your professional life, you may receive recognition for your hard work, and there could be opportunities for promotions or new projects. Stay focused and take the initiative; your efforts will pay off. It is a great time to assess your finances and make strategic plans for the future. Review your budget, savings, and investments. Consider consulting a financial advisor if you’re looking to make significant changes. Expect some shifts in your personal relationships. Clear communication will be key to resolving any misunderstandings. Take the time to listen to your loved ones and express your feelings honestly, you’ll be surprised at just how much you are loved. The intense energy at work may tempt you to overcommit. Remember to carve out time for relaxation and self-care, have hobbies or activities that help you recharge. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine and prioritise healthy eating. Taking care of your mental health is equally important, so don’t hesitate to seek support if needed. Overall, October encourages you to harness your ambition while finding balance in your personal life. Stay grounded and focused, and great things are likely to unfold! Wear silver for luck and silver chromite to set your intentions and give a grounding and empowering energy. 
Lucky Colour   Silver Lucky Crystal  Silver Chromite

Credits: marienails

Credits: coewlesspolish

Credits: devinenailz_

Credits: nailedbydesirae, beserk

♒️ Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Embrace new experiences and adventures, this is a great time to expand your horizons through travel or learning. October brings a wave of creativity and introspection for you Aquarius, your imaginative side will be heightened, it is an excellent time to dive into creative projects or hobbies that allow you to express yourself fully. Don’t hesitate to explore new artistic avenues or collaborate with others. Friendships and social networks will play a significant role this month, you may find yourself reconnecting with old friends or forming new connections. Attend social events or gatherings that interest you; you never know who you could meet. With the changing season, you might feel a pull toward introspection, so take some time for self-reflection to align your goals with your true desires, meditation can be helpful tools during this time. Professionally, you may receive valuable insights that can help you advance, stay open to feedback from colleagues and mentors, as it can lead to new opportunities. Trust your instincts when making decisions, focus on maintaining your physical and mental health. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as yoga or meditation, to help manage any stress or anxiety that may arise. Overall, October offers you a mix of creativity, connection, and self-discovery. embracing change and being open to new experiences will improve your life. Wear turquoise for luck and a jade crystal will bring serenity and purity of intentions, a protective stone.
Lucky Colour  Turquoise Lucky Crystal  Jade

Credits: lesonglesdemima

Credits: cute.clawz

Credits: 1.800.nailme

Credits: rose_nail_art

♓️ Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Dive into emotional depths this month Pisces, intimacy and trust in relationships may deepen, providing a space for vulnerability, expect a blend of emotional feelings and empowerment. October encourages you to tap into your feelings and understand your emotional landscape, you might find yourself reflecting on past experiences, which can lead to personal growth, embracing this introspective time will help you heal and move forward. Your artistic side will be particularly vibrant this month, whether it’s through music, art, or writing, engage in creative activities that inspire you as this is a great time to start new projects or revamp existing ones with fresh ideas. Relationships may take centre stage during October, strengthen bonds with loved ones by being open and honest about your feelings. If you are single you might meet someone new who resonates with your values and dreams, be receptive to the connections that come your way. Professionally, there could be unexpected chances for advancement, stay alert to new possibilities and don’t hesitate to share your innovative ideas. Your intuition will serve you well in making choices. Pay attention to your physical and mental well-being, remember to incorporate self-care routines that nurture your body and spirit. Simple practices like meditation, walking in nature, or spending time near water can be very rejuvenating. Overall, October invites you to embrace your emotions, pursue your creativity, and strengthen your connections with others, it’s a powerful month for personal insights and growth. Wear purple for luck and a purple quartz for love, creativity and stability.

Lucky Colour   Purple Lucky Crystal  Purple Quartz

Joanne Hope


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