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3 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team Skincare Myths: Debunked

3 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

Skincare Myths: Debunked

Photo Credit: Getty Images

In the beauty world, there’s a lot of conflicting advice when it comes to the skin. We are here to debunk any myths you may have heard surrounding skincare

The myth: If you have oily skin, then you don’t need to use a moisturiser

The truth: Moisturiser is suitable for every skin type as not using it can potentially dry out your skin. Not only this but, if you deprive your skin of moisture, it can make the skin oilier and weaken the skin barrier. Which can then mean you are more susceptible to breakouts. Applying moisturiser to already shiny skin might not feel like the right thing to do. However, using the correct moisturiser will leave your skin feeling balanced. Moisturisers with an oil-free formula are perfect for oily skin as they will give the skin the hydration it needs while keeping the excess oil at bay. Anything water-based and lightweight is suitable too.

The myth: You only need to wear SPF in the summer

The truth: SPF is a vital ingredient that should be applied every single day, whether you’re indoors or outdoors. UV rays are present no matter what season it is. Therefore, it is crucial to wear a form of SPF of at least 30. Using SPF should be a must as it has so many benefits. Such as keeping your skin looking youthful for years to come. Wearing it at all times helps to maintain your skin and keep it looking healthy.

The myth: Your skin can ‘get used to’ skincare ingredients

The truth: The skin doesn’t acclimatise to products as the active ingredients in skincare aren’t going to stop working. The only time your skin may not respond to products anymore is because the season has changed. It is vital to switch up your skincare throughout the year. The summer requires less hydration than the winter, so using lighter products is ideal. Whereas in the winter, the skin needs a lot more moisture.

The myth: You can open and close your pores

The truth: Your pores are not muscles which means there’s no way for them to open and close. Also, this means you can’t steam open your pores. Steaming your face loosens up clogged pores. The sebum can then easily come out when you wash your face with a cleanser. However, a better way to deal with clogged pores is using products that contain AHA and BHA acids. Completely erasing your pores is impossible as they allow oil and sweat to reach the skin’s surface. Pores may appear smaller or larger.

The myth: Fast food and chocolate cause breakouts

The truth: Currently, there isn’t any evidence to suggest this is true. What causes acne is sebum. Sebum is a substance that the skin makes itself. There isn’t a link suggesting that unhealthy foods such as takeaways and chocolate directly cause acne. These foods may not be great for your health, but they are not the cause of breakouts. However, recent studies have shown some foods that can trigger adult acne are dairy products and high glycaemic foods.

 The myth: You don’t need to use anti-ageing products until your late 30s

The truth: Starting to use anti-ageing products as early as your 20s can be beneficial for your skin. Using anti-ageing products early on will mean damage to the skin will be significantly less in the years to come. However, this is dependent on how you have lived your life. Starting to use anti-ageing products early is necessary if you have spent a lot of time in the sun. However, if this is not the case, the best time to start is in your late twenties.

 The myth: You need to exfoliate.

The truth: The skin naturally exfoliates itself every month, so it isn’t essential to use an exfoliator. Using an exfoliating scrub will accelerate this process which isn’t always useful for everyone’s skin. Harsh exfoliating scrubs can damage your skin which will make your skin worse. However, cleansing using an exfoliator once a week would be very beneficial if you live in a polluted area.

The myth: Expensive skincare is better than inexpensive.

The truth: Good skincare is often not about the price but the formulation. Spending more won’t necessarily help your skin. Expensive products usually smell great and feel luxurious. However, some cheaper products can do more for your skin. Often with luxury skincare, you are paying for the packaging and not the formula inside. Despite this, some products are worth the splurge.

Words By Eleanor Coleman


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