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3 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team Shocking Texas, US, Law To Ban Abortion Comes Into Effect

3 years ago, by Voir Editorial Team

Shocking Texas, US, Law To Ban Abortion Comes Into Effect

Photo Credits: Theconversation.com

The Texas abortion law has now come into effect on what marks a very sad day for the United States. The most radical of its kind in the US, the law now states a complete ban on abortions after the period of just six weeks, despite efforts to block the rule.

Photo Credit: Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

As this new restriction comes into play it is estimated that around 85% of women will now be prevented from getting access to an abortion, with their only option being to travel across state to reach a provider elsewhere. However, not all patients have the ability to do so as this may require extra costs, such as taking time off work and funding travel. While this will effect all women who fall pregnant and require an abortion after six weeks, women of colour and those on low incomes are likely to be among the most effected. Additionally, many clinics have now been forced to close in an attempt to prevent any potential lawsuits and fines.

The law will now mean that anybody involved in the assistance of an illegal abortion, including doctors, clinic staff and family members, could be sued for their actions by an ordinary individual. As a result, individuals who report those aiding an abortion after six weeks could receive a monetary fee in damages from a civil court.

Photo Credit: Evan L’Roy/The Texas Tribune

Strikingly, the legislation is a blanket policy and offers no exception for extreme circumstances where pregnancies are a result of instances such as rape or incest, the only exemption is in the case of medical emergency with proof from a healthcare professional.

Activists and campaign groups, including Planned Parenthood, have fought tirelessly to request that the decision be blocked by the Supreme Court but on Wednesday it was confirmed that the extreme bill was going ahead. There are now national cries from pro-choice Americans who fear more extreme measures could be put in place across other states.

Women’s right groups and doctors continue to fight for the case.

Words by Ella Citron-Thompkins


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